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Belgium appoints doctor Erika Vlieghe as national Ebola co-ordinator

11:57 20/10/2014

The new federal minister of public health, Maggie De Block, has appointed doctor Erika Vlieghe as the national Ebola co-ordinator. Vlieghe is the head of the Tropical Diseases department at Antwerp University Hospital.

Vlieghe will lead a team in the co-ordination of a national approach in dealing with the dangers of the Ebola epidemic, which is raging in large parts of West Africa. A recent study from Northeastern University in Boston shows that there is about a 40% chance that the Ebola virus will reach Belgium by the end of October through air travellers. Several countries are now home to someone who is suffering or who has died from the virus, including the US, Spain and Germany.

It is also the task of Belgium’s co-ordinator to ensure an accurate stream of information to professionals and the public.

Yesterday Vlieghe announced new measures at Brussels Airport. Starting today, passengers coming from risk countries in West Africa will be screened for the virus on their arrival in Belgium. Until now, checks were only carried out in the countries of departure.

The screenings include temperature checks to make sure passengers don’t have a fever when they enter the country. Those who have a fever will be examined by a nurse and, if necessary, by a doctor at the airport.

Vlieghe also announced stricter monitoring of luggage and the introduction of extensive training programmes for airport staff. The procedures will be regularly evaluated and adjusted.

Written by Andy Furniere



It's about time Zaventem (and I assume all airports in Belgium -- this worries me as I do not see Charleroi or other Belgian airports listed) took control of passengers going to and coming from "risk" countries.

I hope the team also controls those passengers from "risk countries" who pass through another country on their way to Belgium (re going through Frankfurt and then onto Belgium). The more controls, the better.

Oct 20, 2014 19:04