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Belgacom Internet
I just done a Speedtest on my Belgacom internet.
I am only receiving download speeds of up to 3.65 Mbps.
Before i contact Belgacom and they tell me: it's your area, it's your telephone line etc... is there anything i can check myself to see if i can achieve better speeds?
My neighbour upstairs says he's receiving 49.00 Mbps. A huge difference!
Make sure you are connected NY Ethernet, not wifi.
Personally I found Belgacom internet very slow and unreliable and went for cable internet with Telenet. It is more expensive but it is massively quicker and 100% reliable.
Power the belgacom modem down by unplugging it and wait 1 minute or until the lights all go out whichever is longer. Then plug it in and start it back up and see if it is any better. Mine is fast enough but it drops out for microseconds which makes watching movies difficult.
Check which bbox you have. The latest one is bbox-3. If you have an older one, you can exchange it at any Proximus shop free of charge.
A couple of days back my Belgacom dropped down 20 to 5 and there were also some interruptions. I will be contacting them Monday.
CM: Which alternative do you recomment, been thinking of changing anyway.
I had the exact same problem with belgacom about 3 years ago.
Even though I was paying for the plan that was supposed to be 50-60mbps, once they insalled the internet, I noticed my speeds were very slow.
When I called belgacom they told me that my building was not wired for "VDSL2 technology" and that it would take a few months for that to be installed in the building...why they forgot to mention that when they signed me up for their high speed is of course, another story.
So about 3 months later, they did wire the building for VDSL2 technology or at least that's what Belgacom said. I was till getting less than 5mbps download speeds so called belgacom again and they said they needed to send a technician but i would have to pay 50 euros as most likey it was a problem in my apt not in the building.
Technician came and he couldn't figure out the problem. They sent another technician and he fixed the problem, and I finally had fast internet.
This last technician who came I noticed didn't have a belgacom uniform and he said he was an external contractor who worked for all the internet companies in Belgium.
He said that whoever came from Belgacom first to install the internet did it wrong, and he said he wasn't surprised as it seems that the Belgacom technicians are incompetent. His advice was, when your one year contract ends, get rid of belgacom and told me to switch to telenet or numericable but that they also had problems, but they were the lesser of the evils.
In my area we can only either get belgacom or numericable so switched to numericable and yes, i've had some general panne outages about 3 times in a year, but their internet speeds get into the 100mbps.
So in the end, if you do have the latest box, and you're wired for the so called fast internet and you're still having problems, Belgacom might send a technician out, but you will be out 50 euros and they might still not solve your problem. And if technician does come out, make sure they don't come on a friday as my neighbor also had my problem but his technician managed to break the wiring and he was out of internet for the friday, the weekend, and a couple of more days.