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Belgium to lower terror threat level to two

12:44 10/03/2015

The federal government is expected to lower the terrorism threat level today from three to two. That means the threat is now seen as “average” rather than “serious”.  

The terrorism alert level was raised to three (out of four) on 16 January, following a major anti-terror operation in Verviers, Liège, in which two armed men were killed. The heightened alert meant increased security for police and government buildings, as well as Jewish synagogues and schools.

Armed troops have also patrolled the streets of Brussels and Antwerp during the level three terrorism alert. They have been stationed outside several federal government buildings in Wetstraat, as well as the embassies of the US and Israel. Some EU buildings have also seen armed paratroopers standing outside the entrance (pictured).

Despite the lower threat level, troops are expected to remain in place outside some buildings, including the Jewish Museum in Brussels.

photo by Wiktor Dabkowski/ZUMA Press/Corbis



Written by Derek Blyth



I expect the terrorists have raised the offensive to level three in response to the State announcing the drop in defences to level two. When are people going to realise that the people who lead us are idiots?

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