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communal charges to building


Dear xpats,

I would like to ask about charges to the building (charges communes generales), which amount to almost a double of the charges to the apartment (heating + water). Is that normal?

In my case, the communal charges for a tenant for a year are 1160 Euro, and communal charges for the owner, calculated separately, amount to another 800 Euro per year. In addition, maybe some of you know what 'service social' charged to the tenant means? A salary to the concierge is calculated in a different line.

Thank you very much for sharing.

Max Bobbitt

I don't know what would be considered normal, but my wife and I encountered this same issue with our last apartment. The supplemental charges that we had to pay at the end of the lease were almost as high as the monthly charges put together.

My question for that is: if our landlords knew that these charges would occur, why not include that in the original monthly fees so we won't be surprised by the sudden 1,000 euro bill.

Sorry I can't really answer your question, just share a similar story.

Jun 25, 2015 11:58