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stones/pebbles for pathway
We used BigMat to deliver 7 tons. The delivery charge was less than 100 euros and the overall coast was very reasonable. They dumped the stones on our driveway and we spread them. We are in Brabant Wallon.
We used Gamma as they deliver 1 tonne bags. The delivery cost varies on your distance from the store, but it was around 30-50 Euro.
I paid Bigmat 26€ delivery and they delivered 2x 1 tonne big bags of sand -- Maybe delivery rates vary store to store -- but €200 is way excessive!
With today's batch of publicity leaflets came
1500 kg bag of Dolomiet for €99.00 but no indication of delivery charge in the leaflet.
Also there's a place called willie Willie near huldenburgh that have wide range don't know about cost or delivery but certainly my friend went with a trailer and we're happy with range and costs.