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Private debt


I'm owed quite a large sum of money in private debt - personal loans and unpaid rent form a flatshare. Is there any legal recourse in Belgium to get this back if the person will not pay? I do not have any written agreement but I do have written acknowledgement of the debt. I don't care about costs it is on principle.

(and I know about stupidity of the situation - but circumstances and relationships can change)

Vivien H Mar

Hi Rupert, Lazy feminist to the rescue here. There is the vredegerecht you can go to for this kind of arguments. Freely translated it means Justice of Peace. They are for free. But it may take a while before your case goes to court. I know they exist in the Flemish region but am not sure if they exist in Brussels.
Hope this helps. Btw you might want to get a lawyer for this because the court does not provide one.

Jul 14, 2015 10:47
Emille B.

Actually a lawyer is not necessary for vredegerecht or juge da la paix, if you follow the rules for vredegerecht , ONLY there is a limit on the amount of money you can claim through the vredegerecht...............if it is higher you have to go to a burgerlijke rechtbank , or just go to the local police and start from there.

Jul 15, 2015 16:40