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More students choose to study technology

05:17 26/08/2015

The number of students choosing a technology course at university or college in Flanders and Brussels has risen by 18% compared to the same period last year, according to the industry federation Agoria. Registrations also increased considerably last academic year. 

According to Agoria, more than 4,000 students have registered for a technology course, which includes engineering and ICT. The professional Bachelor’s degrees, which are very practice-orientated, are particularly popular: registrations for these have increased by about 40%.

I think a lot of youngsters are interested in practical studies because they realise it provides them with many options on the job market after three years of studies,” Wilson De Pril, director-general of Agoria, told public broadcaster VRT. “There are a lot of vacancies for bottleneck professions.”

The percentage of women on technology courses has risen from about 10% to 13%. In ICT, the number of female students has doubled from last year. “If this trend continues, it is a very positive evolution,” said De Pril. Twenty percent of newly registered civil engineering students are also female, which is the highest proportion to date.


Photo by Ingimage

Written by Andy Furniere



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Feb 7, 2019 18:52