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Public Service Legal Advice in Flanders


Good afternoon.
I wonder if somebody can point me to any public office in order to request legal advice for a case of a non married couple splitting (with children).
Maybe they can show the legal ways to divide, the rights of the father and the mother, options, etc...
In some other countries, I know that there are NGOs or volunteers that share this service.
I would like to know the difference between the splitting conditions / options for married couples, legally living together or just living together without any contract?
Thanks for your help.


Go to your local Tribunal, the will have list of lawyers in your area. They will also have the dates and times for the free advice days. You turn up without appointement. Generaly done one a month.

Mar 2, 2016 22:36

It is completely dependent on whether both sides want to split and whether one parent wants more than they are entitled to financially.

Avoid lawyers if both sides want to save money and use a notaire or mediator.

Cora Schieffer is an English speaking mediator and if you google her name and both sides are willing to cooperate, she can guide you for about 10% of the price of a lawyer.

Mediation is the way to go here, unless you like to give away money to lawyers whose best interests are themselves. But it takes 2 sides to use mediation.

Mar 4, 2016 22:06