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Worlds biggest coffee morning - macmillian cancer support
Hi is there anyone who would be interested to organize this event, I am ready to roll up my sleeves for a good course. The whole idea is to raise money for cancer research
(which I think is brilliant), if you are interested we can have one large one in Brussels. (if there is already an existing one, I would love to join)
The link is below.
To participate in this just comment and I
They do this regularly at BSB and the best way of organizing one not connected with BSB or the other British schools is to go looking for willing cake eaters in the FB English mums group.
Bsb are very anti anyone not directly linked to their school having access to the school these days, they ask for all sorts of ID and applying for passes etc. So I'd steer well clear
Try contacting g one of the English speaking churches maybe? I know maybe they have the space to host and may already do this
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You might have to Google it, used YouTube to watch a different kind of videos on how you can get the free Robux
I like drinking coffee. And I appreciate that you try to organize such kind of event. By the way, I can ask my friends from I think that they can take part in this event.