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4 months after citizenship application


Hi all,

I was at the commune today, 4 months after I applied for the Belgian citizenship. Back then, they told me if you don't receive a reaction, you can come back for the ID card.

Today, I went, 4 months later, and she told me, come back 2 weeks later (mid October).

I fail to understand why, and it's standard procedure to postpone a decision like that?

Thx for the help.


On what grounds did you apply (I am asking because I do not know if the length is the same for all cases)? If it is based on 7 years of residence, then the procureur has 4 months to react negatively. Your commune b/s's you. If there is no negative within 4 months, they should/must arrange for you to receive the ID and passport (just bring 3 photos and pay and wait 2 weeks). Call them again or wait two weeks, unless it is very urgent, but do not let them off the hook next time.

Oct 2, 2012 15:57