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Babysitting service
Can anyone recommend a realible babysitter or babysitting service to help out this Monday night. We arrived into Brussels 3 weeks ago and don't know anyone. We need an English speaker and someone who can come to our apartment in Ixelles off Ave Louise. They need to be experienced with 2.5 year olds that are not that easy to get to bed! Hours are for 6pm to 9pm. Thanks in advance for your help...
Not sure if you'd get someone at such short notice. There is La Ligues des Familles and Gezinsbond which have babysitting matching services but it's the weekend and to become a member, them find you a babysitter in a few hours on Monday is a tall order. Perhaps take your son with you or stay at home. Sorry I cannot help.
I am interested. If you want you can viber chat me +639382646364 or email me at