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I have been made redundant a few years back and have been receiving unemployment (pre pension in fact as i'm in my 60's).
Between 1994 -1998 I was self employed, running my own company. it never made a profit and closed down 14 years ago. Suddenly I am summoned to the ONEM having to prove to them that I have 'correctly declared my work as an independent'...even though it was all over 3 years before I became an employee? Does anyone know if this has any relation to my current allocation? how long does one need to keep records of accounts? how far back can they go? i'm at a loss it's been so long ago, i dont remember very much, bit worried.


I'd guess they need to make sure your social security payments are up to date to work out your pension entitlement. IIRC, you're only required to keep records for 7 years for tax purposes, so quite how they would show that what you paid during that time is anything other than regular, I don't know.
I'd just go along and tell them it was all above board if I were you.

Oct 25, 2012 23:54