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New citizenship law applies to people living in Belgium for 3 years?



Does anyone know if the new Belgian citizenship law that was approved in late 2012 has come into effect yet? I am referring to the law, under which you have to have lived in Belgian for 5 years and complete a number of other requirements before you can apply for citizenship.

I have been married to a Belgian and living in Belgium for 3 years now, so can I apply under the old law or will I have to wait another 2 years before applying?

Will the new law apply rectroactively? Just when I thought I could apply, they change the rules. Thanks for your help.


ask your commune offices, i think you'll find any applications after January 2013 are subject to 5 year rule which is why so many people who had been here 3 and 4 years rushed to get their applications in at the end of last year.

Jan 28, 2013 17:00