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Most Brussels and Walloon ministers in quarantine following positive tests
Almost all of the ministers in both the Brussels and the Walloon governments are in quarantine following positive tests for Covid-19. In the Brussels government, finance minister Sven Gatz (Open VLD) tested positive, while in Wallonia, it was tourism minister Valérie De Bue (MR).
In Brussels, all of the ministers who came into contact with Gatz (pictured right) at the council meeting last week are being tested and remaining in quarantine until test results are back. This includes all ministers and state secretaries with the exception of environment and health minister Alain Maron (Ecolo) and housing state secretary Nawal Ben Hamou (PS).
All of Gatz’s cabinet staff are also being tested. “The minister is experiencing mild symptoms and will remain in quarantine for two weeks,” his spokesperson said. “He is working digitally from home.”
The same is true for De Bue (pictured left), who came into contact with her colleagues last Friday when a new minister took the oath of office. The Walloon ministerial council was meant to come together tomorrow, but that will now happen via video conferencing.
Photo left ©Maxime Asselberghe/BELGA, right ©Thierry Roge/BELGA