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Wage watchers: How much does a service vouchers consultant earn?

We asked Kathleen Lauwens, 34, from Leest what she does with the €1300 net she earns as a service checks consultant. What do you do for work? I’m a service vouchers consultant and the regional representative for Rupel, Mechelen, Leuven and Lier. That means that I do all the planning for domestic...

Culture beat - December 5

It’s rare to see a Broadway musical in a francophone theatre, but for its 20th anniversary Le Public collaborates with Théâtre National in staging Cabaret until Sunday December 7. Set in Berlin in the 1930s, the Broadway hit then tours Wallonia: Namur, Liège and Louvain-la-Neuve. It’s a...

Private banking in Belgium

In days gone by, Belgian high street banks had the market for private banking to themselves. But with the arrival of the EU institutions, Nato and numerous multinational hubs, Belgium has become an attractive market for private banks and this has resulted in increased competition for the assets of...

Four-legged friends: keeping pets in Belgium

There are several places where you can pick up a pet, namely pet shops, shelters and breeders. In Belgium, pet shop owners need a licence, and they are not allowed to sell cats and dogs: only breeders can. Visit your pet shop instead for birds, reptiles, fish or small rodents, and always ask the...

Strike on Monday to disrupt transport in Brussels and airport

Strike action planned for Monday is likely to cause widespread travel chaos across the country and bring Brussels to a standstill. The strike is part of an on-going programme of trade union actions in protest at the federal government’s austerity policies, particularly changes to pensions and the...

Ryanair to connect Brussels with more than a dozen US cities

Ryanair wants to connect Brussels with 12 to 14 cities in the United States, reports today. The Irish low-cost airline would fly to the new destinations by 2018 or 2019 at the earliest, as it is still waiting on the delivery of long-haul aircraft. Ryanair already flies from...

Belgium is the best country in the world for women, says report

A recent study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) shows that Belgium is the most female-friendly country in the world, with a strong legal framework in place to protect them and a political system wherein women are increasingly represented, reports De Morgen . The...

Clothing brand Mexx bankrupt

The Dutch fashion chain Mexx has declared bankruptcy. The group had been struggling financially for some time. Its 315 stores, including some 70 in Belgium, will remain open for the time being in order to sell off some of their remaining merchandise. Mexx shops, found in most Belgian shopping areas...

Baby elephant expected this weekend at Planckendael

Mechelen animal park Planckendael could be welcoming the arrival of a new baby elephant as early as this weekend, the park’s management has announced. Females Phyo Phyo ( shown here with baby Kai Mook in 2009 ) and her daughter May Tagu were both reported to be pregnant back in October, when May...

Saying “I do” in Belgium

Marrying in Belgium can be a fairly straightforward affair – and probably one of the nicer reasons to spend time at your local city hall. For the most part, it’s about getting the paperwork in order and showing up in front of the magistrate on the right day. But for international couples, the...
