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Unpopular .vlaanderen extension receives go-ahead

Belgian domain name registrar DNS Belgium has received the official approval for the extension .vlaanderen. It will be operational by the end of 2014, announced yesterday. In-depth technical and financial assessments were required prior to the new domain name being approved. Flemish...

Sharp decrease in Belgians caught speeding on French roads

Some 53,000 Belgians were caught speeding on French roads in July, a 39% drop compared to July 2012, when 87,000 had fallen foul of French speed cameras. According to automobile association VAB, there were 14% fewer road accidents in France in July 2013 than a year earlier. Belgian motorists who...

Belgians ‘have never saved more’

Belgians continue to save more than ever. In June 2013, they had a total of €245.51bn on their savings accounts, according to figures released yesterday by the National Bank of Belgium. This constitutes a record amount for a country whose citizens are widely regarded as compulsive savers. In May,...

Jaguar self-combusts on Belgian motorway

A brand new Jaguar F-Type caught fire and melted in Belgium on Sunday, in what looked like a case of self-combustion. The owner was driving on the motorway and noticed something was wrong with the vehicle. When he pulled over, near Herentals, Antwerp province, to call the Jaguar emergency line, the...

Belgian footballer’s dream move to England collapses after Twitter backlash

Belgian international footballer Ilombé Mboyo’s dream move to the English Premier League collapsed yesterday after a Twitter backlash over the 26-year-old’s previous conviction for rape, reports the Daily Mirror . West Ham United chairman David Sullivan has confirmed the club have scrapped a move...

Green party calls for basic state pension for all

Flemish green party Groen has called for a reform of the pensions systems, based on two principles: a basic pension for all and a supplement based on years worked. "Our society needs decent pensions in order to fight rampant poverty,” said MP Wouter De Vriendt in a statement. Twenty-two percent of...

Red Cross issues call for blood donations

The Red Cross is currently facing a shortage of blood and has issued an urgent call for donations. "We notice an overall decrease in our inventory of blood products. Even stocks of blood types O Positive and A Positive, usually stable, are low," the organisation said in a statement yesterday. The...

Increase in fare dodger detentions

Agents of Securail, the security arm of Belgian railway operator SNCB / NMBS, detained 480 fare dodgers in the first six months of 2013, three times more than a year before, spokesman Louis Maraites has told La Dernière Heure. Securail conducted 270 detentions in 2012. This is explained in part by...

Tonight’s Beady Eye gig in Belgium cancelled through injury

Beady Eye have cancelled their gig at the Lokerse Feesten tonight because of an injury to guitarist Gem Archer, reports the NME . The Liam Gallagher-fronted band were expected to play the festival, before flying out to Japan for the Summer Sonic festival in Tokyo. A statement from the band's...

Cobblers are a dying breed

People who want to have their shoes repaired are finding it increasingly difficult to find a cobbler. The number of independent cobblers in Belgium has dropped from 344 to 227 in ten years, it appears from a report by business information bureau Graydon. There are currently only two cobblers every...
