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Tour hero Froome beats fatigue to win in Belgium

Chris Froome shrugged off three weeks’ fatigue and a distinct lack of sleep to continue his winning ways in Belgium on Monday - just 24 hours after his Tour de France triumph, writes Metro’s Gavin Brown . He joined many of the other riders who completed in the race at the Natourcriterium van Aalst...

21st Century Royals

One question I have kept hearing in recent days was whether the British royal baby would arrive on the same day as the new Belgian King began his reign. Well now we know. The baby boy is happily arrived. Warmest congratulations to Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge! As Prime...

Belgian children could soon bear mother’s name

Mothers in Belgium could soon pass on their maiden names to their children, reports BBC News . As things stand, Belgian children automatically take their father's family name. But that's about to change, thanks to a plan approved by the country's cabinet. If approved by parliament, it will allow...

No collective pardon from King Philippe

King Philippe has decided not to grant a collective pardon on the occasion of his accession to the throne, justice minister Annemie Turtelboom is quoted as saying in De Standaard and Het Nieuwsblad. The last collective pardon dates back to 1993, when King Baudouin granted a six-month remission of...

Sharp drop in fraudulent unemployment benefit claims

In five years, the number of fraudulent unemployment benefit claimants fell by 17,000 in 2008 to 3,000 last year, De Standaard and Le Soir report today. According to Wouter Langeraert, who coordinates field controls at the National Employment Office, the drastic decrease in benefit fraud is not due...

Up to €450,000 a year for public sector CEOs?

Public enterprise minister Jean-Pascal Labille (pictured) will today submit to a restricted council of ministers proposal to cap the salaries of CEOs of public companies. Like his predecessor Paul Magnette he would like to keep the current annual ceiling at €290,000, but with several several...

Assyrian genocide monument to be erected in Belgium

A monument to the victims of the Ottoman genocide of Assyrians in World War One will be unveiled on August 4 in Belgium, on the site of the sanctuary of Banneux, near Liège. The monument, an image of a dead dove, was carved from a 12-ton stone by renowned Assyrian artist Moushe Malke. The monument...

Gelato in Uccle

To begin, Glacier Zizi.

Any self-respecting Brussels parents in the past half-century have brought their children here to satisfy ice cream cravings. The family-run shop was established in 1948 and named after its founder, Izzi, who was teasingly called “Zizi” (French slang for a certain male body part).

Wage watchers: how much does a fire brigade paramedic earn?

Fire brigade paramedic Tom Roesbeke, 26, from Eeklo talks about what he earns and how he spends it What do you do for a living? I am a paramedic for the fire brigade in Ghent. As paramedic I am responsible for the medical support, evacuation and treatment of patients. This can take place in many...

Philippe I is seventh King of the Belgians

King Philippe I has become Belgium's seventh monarch following the abdication of his father. Philippe, 53, took his oath in Belgium's three official languages – Dutch, French and German – two-and-a-half weeks after King Albert, 79, announced he would abdicate after 20 years on the throne. Albert...
