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40,000 fewer summer jobs for students

This summer there will be 40,000 fewer jobs available for students wanting to earn extra money, the Corelio newspapers report today. This represents a 10% decrease on last year. Supermarkets, technology companies, metal factories and the food industry are the sectors in which most summer vacancies...

Over 600,000 naturalisations since 2000

More than 600,000 Belgian naturalisations took place between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2012, it was revealed yesterday. In 2000 Guy Verhofstadt’s government ratified a fast-track naturalisation process, as a result of which 608,322 foreigners became Belgian citizens. Interior minister Joëlle...

Tournai: ‘Belgium’s best-kept secret’

If Bruges is the Venice of the north, then Tournai is its Siena, writes the Daily Telegraph’s Mark Skipworth . Yet the charms of this prosperous town, on the ley lines of European history, are largely undiscovered. Romans, Franks, Spanish, French and Austrians have all left their mark in a fusion...

New car registrations down 11%

The number of new cars registered in Belgium last month was down by 11.42% compared to the same period last year, reports Reuters’ Philip Blenkinsop . The figures released by the Belgian Federation of Car Industries yesterday show that 53,076 new vehicles were registered in March 2013, compared to...

Café La Brocante

Every day at 6.00, without fail, the stall holders are there, setting up their wares, prepping for another day of haggling and selling. I spot a shabby wooden coffee table and pay €5 for it (and all its potential). Meanwhile, my friends are happily turning the handle on their own great find: an old-fashioned coffee grinder. Finally, we duck inside a café for a drink and a bite to eat.

Building character: Brunfaut’s Progressive Architecture

Chances are you’ve never really thought about the origins of Brussels’ Central Station, as you rush through on your way home. The terminal of Brussels Airport in Zaventem is another building that is taken for granted as travellers pass through its doors; it serves its purpose, and we don’t think...

March exceptionally – if not record-breakingly – cold

Last month was officially the coldest March since 1962, with temperatures averaging only 3°C, mainly due to the prevailing wind from north to northeast. Such a low average makes the past month an exceptional one, but not a record one, said meteorologist David Dehenauw of the Royal Meteorological...

Green Party unveils alternative to austerity

Belgium’s French-speaking Green party, Ecolo, has unveiled details of its plans to redress public finances, lamenting the federal government’s “blind pursuit” of an austerity policy, writes Tax News’s Ulrika Lomas . As the government prepares to find a further €2.8 billion this year to maintain...

Train conductor assaulted at Brussels station

A train conductor was assaulted by a group of youngsters at Brussels’ Schaerbeek station after one of the group was unable to present a valid ticket, reports Flanders News . The victim was taken to hospital and was declared unfit to work for at least a couple of days. The youngsters had got on the...

Cyclist issues apology for podium groping incident

Slovakian cyclist Peter Sagan has issued a video apology on Facebook after receiving worldwide criticism for groping a podium girl at the end of the Tour of Flanders, reports Cycling Central . The 23-year-old Cannondale rider, who finished second behind Switzerland’s Fabian Cancellara, of the...
