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Notaire for property purchase


Can anyone recommend a notaire for a property purchase please? French speaking is fine, English a bonus but not necessary.

Extra brownie points if you can recommend one that will continue to be available throughout the summer without too much disruption



Jul 13, 2015 21:22

Could be useful if I'd remembered that- Brussels. Close to EU quarter good but not necessity

Jul 14, 2015 09:58
Bruce M

If you are contacting a notaire for something fairly simple like buying or selling property keep in mind that you might not even see the notaire until the signing of the “acte”. Most of the work will be done by his/her assistants and you will be working with them. I have used several different notaires in Belgium. One I dropped (and will not go back to) because I felt that one of his assistants was xenophobic. I am using a notaire right now that I find to be very competent. Her assistants are also very pleasant and very efficient. She is located at the border of Boitsfort and Auderghem and is in one or the other of those communes. Her name if Nathalie d’Hennezel. I don’t know if she speaks English or not. She recently took over the practice of another notaire who passed away. Tel. no. 02 672-7770.

Jul 14, 2015 10:21
Sarah Crew

Recommended francophone notary in Evere:

Jul 14, 2015 11:38

Not sure if he covers real estate but we just used Luc Possez and we're very happy indeed! A quick Google search will show you to his centrally located office and best part he's very professional and cheap! We took quotes from many offices and he did all they offered and more for half the price.

Jul 15, 2015 10:06

I was under the impression that rates for this work were set by law.

Jul 15, 2015 10:11

The rates for this sort of work ARE set by law.

Furthermore, the amount of work that is required to be done is exactly the same no matter who does it, and you can keep going back to your notaire for advice as often as necessary (including the VERY important wording of the initial "option to buy" offer) without it costing you a Euro more.

It sounds like THEMISSUS doesn't understand property buying in Belgium so let us hope that she isn't in for too many nasty shocks along the way - like the fact that the final bill from Luc Possez is going to be exactly the same as it would have been from those notaries who quoted double. My guess is that LP's quote doesn't include the taxes and the others do.

Jul 15, 2015 10:42