The Nuremberg Trials - Through the Lens of Filmmakers for the Prosecution

This European Day of Remembrance for Victims of all Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes, join the House of European History and special guest, film producer, Sandra Schulberg for a commemorative event focusing on the filmmakers for the Nuremberg prosecution.
The Nuremberg Trials were a ground-breaking International Military Tribunal held by the Allies against leaders and representatives of Nazi Germany from November 1945 until October 1946.
To convict the defendants, international prosecutors built their case using footage collected after the war, and the Nazi’s own films and photographs.
Two American soldiers, Stuart and Budd Schulberg, were part of the team that gathered the haunting footage of the atrocities and war crimes committed throughout the Second World War. Stuart went on to produce the film Nuremberg: its Lesson for Today in 1948, which outlines how the prosecutors built their case.
Although the film was never released for political reasons, it was carefully restored over 60 years later by his daughter, Sandra Schulberg and acquired by the House of European History in May 2023.
Join us at the House of European History on August 23rd for a unique opportunity to learn more about the filmmakers who helped bring justice to the victims of the totalitarianism and authoritarian regimes with a special screening of the 60 minute documentary film Filmmakers of the Prosecution by Sandra Schulberg.
The event
18:30 - 19:15 - Thematic guided tour in the museum permanent exhibition, of the Nuremberg Trials and its relevance today (30 spaces)
19:30 - 20:30 - Film screening in the museum auditorium: Filmmakers of the Prosecution
20:30 - 21.00 - Interview and Q&A with Sandra Schulberg (online/onsite TBC)
Note: The guided tour and film screening will only take place onsite, however Ms Schulberg’s interview and Q&A session will also be available for our online audiences to watch live via our YouTube channel.
Sandra Schulberg was born in Paris, and raised partly in France and Germany. A graduate of Swarthmore College, she later taught Feature Film Financing and International Co-Production for 15 years at Columbia University’s graduate school of cinema. Today, she is president of IndieCollect, a non-profit organization whose mission is to rescue, restore, and re-release important American independent films. A veteran movie producer and advocate for “Off-Hollywood” films, she founded the IFP, co-founded First Run Features, and was Senior Vice President of the PBS series American Playhouse. Her many movie credits include Sundance Festival Grand Prize-winner Waiting for the Moon and Oscar-nominee Quills. For her contributions to American independent cinema, she received Film Independent’s Spirit Award, the IFP’s Gotham Award, and the Berlin Film Festival’s 2019 Camera Award. This event is part of our ‘Through the Lens of’ series, launched by the museum in 2022. The hybrid learning series was created to invite our audience to experience historical events from Europe’s past, from another perspective.