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odd goings on at Schuman


hi - i was sitting in Paul's at Schuman last week having a sandwich. I watched two people enter from the flowershop side. One guy was normally dressed and the 2nd person wore a niqab ( the nearest form of describing the outfit ), all in black. However instead of covering the face, this individual had a surgical type mask in white, covering the face. What stunned me was that that this person was walking like a man - and it was obvious to me that it was a man. The two men walked down to the metro entrance end and back up again - finally leaving via the opposite exit to the flowersho.Wwhat was i supposed to do - call a policeman, where was there a policman even?. Instead i hot footed it out of there with my sandwich. In my heart it seemed to me that you wouldnt be up to no good if you wore a surgical mask over your niqab - way to visible. Did anyone else notice them, they might have been actors or who knows? Was it a joke?


Sounds like a normal day to me...

Sep 10, 2016 11:09

I do not remember where I saw something alike, somewhere in Brussels. A woman with a long black headcarf (leaving the face free but going up to her chin) with a white mask over her nose and mouth (the type Japanese wear when there is a flu spreading (in order to avoid to spread it or to avoid to get it). In my case it looked like a woman. And I just thought strange, a clever idea to further cover the face and to avoid to be fined? Or a real case of anti-microbe action?
On the other hand, going down at one end of the metro station to going up at the other end to avoid narrow pavements and masses of people at Schuman is normal.

Sep 12, 2016 19:28