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Online films / series with Dutch subtitles



I'm moving to northern Belgium at the end of this month and am already trying to learn Flemish.

Does anyone know of websites which play English-language films or TV series with Dutch subtitles? Any other sites for learning the language would also be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance.


On Dutch and Flemish TV channels, English-language films and TV series are subtitled in Dutch as a matter of course. The exceptions are things like kids cartoons and some documentaries.

Jun 15, 2013 13:13
Sofie and Charles

Thanks KASSEISTAMPER. Yes, I've noticed that and I know it'll be a great learning aid. I was actually wondering about websites where there are films and TV series to choose from.

I know several such 'international' English-language sites which don't have subtitles and was wondering if there are some for Dutch-speaking viewers.

Jun 15, 2013 20:24