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ordering dvds by post


Can anyone recommend a good Belgian website via which we can order cds and dvds, especially of classical music?


free shipping to belgium and as in the eu no tax --- -- You can also order from , but that one charges shipping to belgium

Mar 29, 2013 07:24

I meant no customs taxes -- you will still pay TVA

Mar 29, 2013 07:25
eric doesn't charge for shipping to Belgium if you spend over 25GBP

Mar 29, 2013 10:04

The rotters! - Amazon UK charged me shipping on over £25!

here is excerpt from a feb order with amazon UK for my annual treat of UK comedy DVD's

Delivery Method: Standard
Items: GBP 93.74
Postage & Packing: GBP 5.76
Total before VAT: GBP 99.50
VAT:* GBP 20.88
Order Total: GBP 120.38
Payment Total: EUR 145,21**

Mar 29, 2013 12:47

Did they not provide an option to choose free delivery? They don't select that option by default. Or maybe the items you bought weren't sold directly from Amazon.

Mar 29, 2013 13:54
Marky Mark

with Amazon, depends where the CD is coming from, not all of it is Amazon supplied, they use other companies.
On some of my purchases I notice a company called indigo star being used. These other companies may have different P + P rates to amazon so therefore it's difficult to say what the P + P charge will be before you put your order in...

As for in Belgium...

Mar 29, 2013 14:02

Try Mark has the largest collection in Belgium and he can order stuff for you. He also has a shop at the Opera.

Apr 4, 2013 11:52

Try Mark has the largest collection in Belgium and he can order stuff for you. He also has a shop at the Opera.

Apr 4, 2013 11:52