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Our new site, tell us what you think!


Welcome to your brand new site! As you see with the new design, all the sections you’re familiar with – Q&A, small ads, news, guides, job ads, opinion pieces – are still there. It’s just their visibility has increased through a more fluid design optimized for smartphones and tablets, and many sections will now feature comment options. We hope you like’s new appearance and look forward to hearing from you here or at feedback (at)


Frankly, I don't like this Q&A layout very much at all. This is the third incarnation of it, and it seems as hopeless as ever. Can't we just have something like this (  Very easy to navigate and read.

Mar 14, 2013 20:20

I like the format for everything except q&a, I agree it would be much easier to have it as a normal forum layout.

Mar 14, 2013 20:37

I have to say that the Q&A format is awful -- and nearly all the answers to questions have disappeared.  The rest looks better though

Mar 14, 2013 20:54

I like the rest of the site, but as others have said, the boxes layout isn't appropriate for a forum-type section like the Q and A. It wastes space and makes it less readable. 

Mar 14, 2013 21:07

Awful!   Looks cheap, elementary, and unpleasant to read.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  Why not try putting some more interesting news and articles on these pages rather than spending time redesigning.  Total waste of time for nothing gained.  

Mar 14, 2013 21:12
Thomas Buytaert

Thanks for your feedback so far. 

We'll look into switching the listview for Q&A into a threaded forumlike view and set that as default. As for answers dissapearing, we'll look into that as well.

Mar 14, 2013 21:28
Brussels Childb...

Is it possible that something went wrong in the events listings regarding the timing when you moved the data into the new design? All of our events are now listed with start and end time an hour earlier as originally posted. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out yet how to update our listings myself.

Mar 14, 2013 22:42

This is just truly awful.  As other have said, if you really want an active and easily accessible Q&A, just dump the (I'm sure very expensively designed and thought out) stupid format and get a standard forum.

I think I'm going to take a break from this site for a couple of weeks.


Bye.  anon

Mar 15, 2013 07:52

I like it. Looks nice and it's very readable if you're under 90 years old (mentally, that is)

Mar 15, 2013 08:20

Why did the Q & A have to be changed?

Surely change should be to improve.  How has this new version improved anything?  'If it ain't broke, don't fix it'.

What are the 2 small boxes for?  I can see that one shows the number of responses to a question but what about the other?

Finally why has the requirement to give a location - removed in an 'improvement' many years ago - not been reinstated?  That way people who want to know of a doctor, lawyer, hairdresser and so on do not have to be asked where they live or, as seems to be the case more recently, simply ignored.

Mar 15, 2013 08:33
