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Outgoing état de lieu after long tenancy
I am leaving my rented house after 13 years. Given the length of time I have rented, does anyone know what the expectation is for the état de lieu? My landlord has said that he will ask the same expert who did the état de lieu back in 2009.
Is an état de lieu even needed after such a long time?
What can he legitimately claim? I have kept the house in good shape, but did not redecorate and it shows. I think this is for the landlord anyway (there is nothing in my lease).
I have the standard 9 year lease which was then automatically extended (now 9 + 4 years).
Maintaining interior decoration in good state is the tenant's responsibility in Belgium, although it would normally be wise to get the landlord's written permission before making changes to it.
It is only major items - replacing windows or a boiler, for example - which fall to the landlord.