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Paperwork for apartment sale


I am about to complete the sale of my apartment and the notaire has asked for the following: ' ...l’attestation de conformité. C’est une attestation délivrée au bailleur pour attester que le logement concerné mis en location répond aux obligations de sécurité, de salubrité et d’équipement'. I never provided such a document. Where do I get it from? I have already provided documentation concerning the electricity and state of the building which I got from my Syndic. Thanks for advising.


Ask your Syndic.

May 27, 2013 15:55

Get another Notaire - if he can't tell you where to get such a document I'd sack him and get a decent Notaire.

May 27, 2013 19:15

Agree with Gecko.

May 27, 2013 21:32