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Parental leave
Parental leave is a set 4 months per child, to be used within the first 12 years of their life. It's paid with in the form of an allowance by your mutuelle, so you don't get your normal pay during parental leave. Depending on your length of service with your company you may not be entitled to it, as I think you have to have completed one full year of employment before you can take it... In any case, it has to be taken in certain formats, eqch of one month total leave if that makes sense.
So, in other words, you can do fulll time, which you have to do by taking one full month of parental leave at a time. Or you can do 50% time, which you have to do by taking two months 50% time at once, or you can do 1/5 time, whereby you take one full day a week off for a period of 5 months at a time.
Id you speak French, the rules are all explained here: