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Paying Income Tax in Belgium


My wife lives with me in Belgium since 1975 , in 2010 she
applied for a state pension, as she worked in the UK for
10 years, she was entitled to it. starting from jan 2010 she got it, Over the whole year it was around 4200 €
but when i got my taxincome i had to pay around 1600 €
more,because of her 4200 € was nothing taxed in the UK!!!
Is it mayby better to tax it in the UK,
what do you think?


You cannot tax the pension in the UK because surely the rule is that you declare all your worldwide income here, even if you are not taxed on it? It's income still, even if it does come from the UK. The only way around is to de-register from Belgium and move to the UK I suppose, as 4200 is under the tax threshhold??? But then you'd have to declare any Belgian income to the UK tax authorities and you might pay tax there too as a result.....

Jan 19, 2013 21:21