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Pedestrian zone works start this month

15:47 07/09/2017

The surface renovations of the pedestrian zone in central Brussels will begin this month, new Brussels-City mayor Philippe Close has confirmed. The first stage concerns laying a new surface on Boulveard Aanspach between Rue du Fossé aux Loups and Rue Grétry.

“We are about to start with the first phase, some 50 metres of the Boulevard Anspach,” Close said. “I would call it a test phase, which will show us what is to come. That's been the problem up until now: We can show videos and plans, but people want to see how it will be in reality.”

Ultimately, the entire zone will be furnished with a unified ground surface in blue stone, green spaces, fountains, smart rubbish bins and cycle lanes.

The zone was launched in the summer of 2015, when Aanspachlaan between Place Fontainas and Place De Brouckère as well as the section of Rue du Midi between Rue du Lombard and Rue des Bogards and between Rue des Pierres and Rue du Marché au Charbon was closed to traffic. Several sides streets are also included in the zone.

However, the original plans have been adapted along the way, based on complaints by local business, in particular the Metropole Hotel, where guests could not arrive at the entrance by car.

Photo: The space will soon feel like a real pedestrian zone, with a blue stone surface, green spaces and fountains ©Marise Ghyselings/BELGA

Written by Alan Hope (Flanders Today)



Imo, all that money for scandal-ridden ex-mayor Mayeur's pet project would be better spent on this first:

Sep 8, 2017 09:57