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Personal accident liability


Hello, looking for advice or lawyer recommendation.

I fell down some stairs and was pretty badly injured last week at an event in a hired venue. I'm a freelancer and don't work for either the venue or the company holding the event - I was an invited guest. I am wondering who, if anyone, holds liability for the accident?

I'm not looking for any big payout, but I will be out of work, and thus out of pocket, for at least 3 weeks and I'm also going to be looking at some pretty big medical bills. My mutuelle only covers some of the cost.

Any advice on who I should contact? Thanks


I would think that the venue would have to have insurance that would cover this, but i would also think that your Mutuelle could tell you for sure who best to contact.

Jan 26, 2015 13:45

I would agree with the first response but, to have a claim, you are going to have to show that there was some fault on the part of someone involved either with the venue or the company holding the event or both.
If you simply stumbled and fell you are unlikely to have a claim.

Jan 26, 2015 15:55

Have you got "assurance familiale" including "protection juridique"? That's the place to start.

Jan 26, 2015 22:17