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Petition for extended UK voting rights for non-UK residents


not every Brit will be allowed to vote on June 23rd, if you feel this should be looked at urgently, sign the petition at

This is not a promo for IN or OUT, but promoting democracy in its widest and fairest form.

Mikek1300gt perhaps have little experience of J. If you did you would know he hates the UK and loves Belgium. Note his earlier post suggesting that any UK is not fit to vote.

Feb 24, 2016 17:51


Feb 24, 2016 17:53
J perhaps have little experience of MIKEK1300GT.

The technical term that we use to describe people like him (I'm sure he's a him) is "****wit". Basically some form of lowlife that zaps out swathes of negative energy and pollutes the debatosphere with his shear unwillingness to listen to reason or to provide any useful, positive contribution to anything whatsoever.

Feb 25, 2016 01:32

There you go J, bang on form!

Feb 25, 2016 09:07

""And why should a narrow-minded, badly educated, insular, UKIP voting benefit-scrounger who's never got any further the village dole office have the right to throw away my rights and Britain's economic prosperity?""

Nothing "negative" there, eh? No sign of your opinion of the UK there? Let's look at the words you used in response to my fairly put views, shall we?

"Is a ****wit".

"is delusional

"Some form of lowlife".

The reason you I clash on this board, J, is because you are exactly what you claim I am and I will not let you get away with it. You try to bully others with an opinion that you don't agree with. At all times in this conversation I was reasonable in giving my point of view, it was you who yet again because abusive with somebody with another view point.

By the way, in response to your question quoted above...Why should some narrow-minded EU apologist who just happens to be making it work for him have a vote in the affairs of a country he left two decades ago, when it is clear that his vote will be about HIM and NOT about the best interests of the country?

Oh wait, I know, anybody with a different opinion is delusional, won't listen, , possibly mentally ill? Odd, but just the sort of words we have heard from EU commissioners in the past in response to criticism of the EU.

Feb 25, 2016 09:29

While we can jolly along watching the to and fro, i am happy to report that in the past few days since posting, the signatories have risen from just over 2000 to ca 7500. Another 2500 and the government has to consider the issue. If anyone wants to sign but does not have a UK address (postcode is needed), I suggest to use SW1A 2AA, London.....

Feb 25, 2016 17:11

You don't need a UK postcode, and you don't need to live in the UK. You just need to be a UK citizen OR live in the UK.

Feb 25, 2016 19:00

People who left the country 15 years ago need to concern themselves with their local democracy, not with trying to influence the lives in a democracy they left long ago.
Mind you, the fear of the pro EU brigade is palpable, usually those working for the commission in their bubble. It's falling apart and rapidly. The bad news is, not liking it will not stop it happening.

Feb 25, 2016 21:43

"I suggest to use SW1A 2AA, London....."


Feb 26, 2016 07:21

250 signatures to go and then the government HAS to consider the issue and reply

Feb 29, 2016 10:21
