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Preorder groceries in Brussels?


Preorder groceries in Brussels?

Are there any shops where I can preorder groceries (on the Web), and then just pick them up in Brussels?

This is mainly for items that just takes too much time to find in regular shops.


Delhaize have such a service, as do Carrefour, info on their sites or are you looking for a non-routine solution? Is it for normal goods or specialist ones? If the latter, anything in particular?

Dec 27, 2013 18:04

This is for spices etc. when I try to find stuff for recipes.

(Takes too long to find in stores, also my recipes are usually in English)
Also if I have to shop stuff for others, it often takes to long.

Dec 30, 2013 15:45

This is for spices etc. when I try to find stuff for recipes.

(Takes too long to find in stores, also my recipes are usually in English)
Also if I have to shop stuff for others, it often takes to long.

Dec 30, 2013 15:46

If it's for organic food, you could have a look at my new website: It works with pre-ordering and pick-up once a week. Website is in English. With regards to spices, there are only a few ones online for now, but you can always send me a message with what you'd need and I can probably get it for you. Hope that helps..

Jan 6, 2014 18:57