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Problems with eID and reader


I recently bought an eID reader (from the commune itself) to access my commune's e-guichet services. I have downloaded and successfully tested the software, and I know that there is no problem with the card as it has been read elsewhere, but after inserting the card into the reader I almost invariably get an error message saying that either I have put the wrong PIN in or there is no card in the reader (neither of which is true!).
Once I did manage to input my PIN and log in, only for the site to be unavailable, which further suggests to me that the problem may be with the e-guichet site and not the reader or card. Before I ask the eID helpdesk, can I ask if anyone else has experience of the e-guichet being unavailable/unreliable? The commune is Brussels 1000, if that makes a difference.


Do you have a Belgian ID card or a foreign ID card. You have to enter the card with the chip on top. On a Belgian ID card the chip is on the front side, but on a foreign ID card it's on the back. So if you have a foreign card, you have to enter it with the back side on top. The first time I used an eID reader I also had a problem with my foreign ID card. The reader only recognized it when I turned it over.

Mar 13, 2016 19:08

It's a foreign ID (in that I'm not a Belgian national) but the chip appears to be on the any case I've now tried it both ways and am still having no success. Thanks anyway!

Mar 13, 2016 22:17

I thought the EID thing only works with Belgian ID cards, so effectively only an option for Belgian nationals.

I could be wrong...

Mar 13, 2016 22:56

If so, I would be very annoyed that the commune sold me a reader without comment! But suggests that foreign IDs can be used in the same way - in theory.

Mar 14, 2016 09:15

Sorry, I don't know what might be wrong with your reader, but I'd like to point out that they should all work fine for E+ cards for non-Belgians. Mine cost next to nothing from Makro, and it certainly does.

And the chip is definitely on the front, just like for a Belgian one.

Mar 14, 2016 16:31

Yes, in my answer to J I forgot that I did manage to log in once before the site froze/crashed so the card is definitely eligible. It doesn't look like a systemic problem so I'll reinstall the software and start again.

Mar 14, 2016 16:46

Cool. I'll have to try that then.

Mar 14, 2016 17:24
o sé

It works for the Belgians on their identity card.
For ex pats it works on the résidents card.
There are two distinct points of entry according to which card you have.

Mar 15, 2016 09:57