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Public Liability and Litigation for accident in an apartment building


There are a flight of narrow wooden stairs leading from the studio apartment on the 4th. floor down to the elevator on the 3rd floor.

The stairs are against the wall on one side and open with no railing on the other.

My wife, who is a proffessional musician (piano accordian) somehow tripped/slipped and fell approx 2 meters over the open side to the floor. She sustained a broken left elbow. I believe she was lucky not to have more serious injury, albeit a broken elbow is serious enough.

She, financially is the breadwinner for us. She will be handicaped for at least the next two months. At this moment we don't even know if her elbow will function properly.

The question is : Who is responsible for the stairs? The landlord/owner of the flat or the Syndicate who own the building?

Where can I go in Brugge for advice and help?

Are there good litigation lawyers in Belgium?

Any advise would be very welcome.


Not sure who'd you'd need to speak to- but I sincerly hope your wife get well soon!

My advice is to have LOTS of pics taken of this 'death trap', and make sure all the dr's notes also mention it! Show the doc the pics when visiting and make sure they note it in the write up (medical charts)

Nov 22, 2011 10:45