Does someone knows from a place (like a park or a playground) where I could make a "baby drink" a little toast w parking, toilets and ideally playgrounds??
Please does anyone know an installer to put a dish on my balcony. I have the dish and tripod. Have been quoted an outrageous price by an expat installer.
Please does anyone know an installer to put a dish on my balcony. I have the dish and tripod. Have been quoted an outrageous price by an expat installer.
Laeken residents: I'm looking at a property near Notre Dame church and I'd appreciate any local insight. Is the passing traffic from the A12 a nuisance? Do the church bells chime overnight?
Woman with Belgian nationality, married to someone from non-EU and living abroad for several years. Husband fully registered in her file. She wants to return to Belgium with her family.
Does anybody know what to do in my situation? I have been living in Belgium working continuously for 12 years and have an E card (I am a UK citizen).
I registered again as an independent after a few years' break, and from previous experience, income will not be anywhere near the 25,000 € upper limit.
The commune and an inspector at the local police station have given me notification that despite proving my tax status in the UK and my income, I still have to produce "banque-carrefour + atte