Can anyone recommend a bank/savings institution for my daughters savings?? We just cracked open her piggy bank and need somewhere to put it! .. TIA
I understand that the price of public creches in Brussels is regulated and is thus a function of parents' income.
Just passing on this link, easy to use and 'inscribe', my kids found stages earlier this summer well run and fun (they went to Wavre but there are locations throughout Brabant Walloon) and are goi
Has any of you been to the Sortilege in Neder Over Heembeek? I am thinking of taking three kids (ages 6, 11 an 12) there tomorrow. Would you recommend it? Can we take a picnic?
Hi everyone,
does any one know how much it costs to hire an au pair? Are there any agencies in Brussels?
Many thanks in advance!
Hello AO, some time ago you gave your opinion on crèche de Kapoentjes in Diegem.
Hi, I have a person who has her certificate to be authorized for childcare but does not have a "centre d'accueil" yet. She is interested in keeping our baby at our place.
What is the procedure to apply for child benefit in Belgium?
Thanks for any info