I would like to know if there are any other families affected by Charcot Marie Tooth - a muscle wasting condition. My 16 year old daughter has this condition.
Female friend, 50+ who is experiencing thinning hair. Looking for recommendations for a hair specialist/trichologist in Brussels. English speaking if possible.
Hello. Our pediatrician recently told us, further to some test results, that our three-year-old son has intolerance to cow milk.
Is Floride added to tap water in Belgium ?
Does anyone know a good practioner in the Tervuren/Steerebeek catchement area for herbal/chinese or other alternative medecine.Thanks
Does anyone know of a place in Belgium that will do an in-depth analysis of health based on the hair root?
My 5 year old boy tells me he does not feel whe he needs to pee, he runs to the toilet when he starts feeling that his pants are wet, and sometimes he just wets his pants.
For those interested in organic, gardens, ecological building, etc then take a look at the Valériane salon this weekend in Brussels.