Hi! can anyone help me find/ where to buy goats milk here in Brussels?
Can anyone reccomend a homepath they have used in Belgium?
With the recent exposure abou the risk of reptitive use of hair dye, all of which seem to contain the ' P ' culprits etc galore , I am no longer going to 'do' my roots at home.
Does anyone a good Acupuncture Doctor in Brussels? Preferably someone who specialises in emotional health, reducing stress, and muscle tension as a result of stress and overwork.
Where do I buy an ovulation test? Does all pharmacies have them? Do I find them at Di ?!
Does anyone have experience using one? Does it work?
Thanks a lot!
I have just found out I am pregnant and would like to find a good gynae in the Leuven / Tervuren area. Any recommendations?
Good afternoon. Can anyone recommend a postpartum physical therapist/kinesist in Ukkel or Hoeilaart? TIA
Can anyone recommend an acupuncturist in Brussels or outskirts towards Tervuren/Overijse?