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My husband has managed to lose the key to the desk drawer where we keep important papers. The desk is an old family piece, so we don't want to just break it open.
Dear all,
I have a question mainly addressed to those who live in Zaventem area but commute to Bruxelles every day.
Could anyone please give me pointers - unable to find work so am thinking of freelancing, primarily i writing. I have looked a and perhaps will sign up.
I'v been looking at the Eurospace center in Belgium for a present for my son's 10th birthday.
Any suggestions on a good place to go to buy a wedding dress in Belgium?
My 2 girls (8 and 10) are in the Belgian French schooling system and are both at the stage where they have a good grasp of French - written and spoken.
Need to replace our large front door - which are the good companies to approach?
Many thanks!
Going to the states want to pick up some jeans for kids and partner. How can be sure to get the correct sizes ? What other clothes shops should I look in?
What is it like to live as a single expat in the Alicante area? What kind of expat life is there? Are there other areas around there that are good to settle in?