Search Q&A
Are there charges for lunch meals and garderie and after school garderie in the European schools, if so, could you give me an indication of how much? Thanks.
Is it true that the new government will review the non-resident status of people who have lived here for over 10 years?
Is there a way to get train fare at the internet prices, offline?
The ticket counter at midi will only quote full price, and raileurope offices add their own fee to the internet price
I have a few questions regarding sick leave. I'm not sick and don't want to bem, it's just for a better understanding of how things work in Belgium.
I am looking for someone to service my heating unit (yearly service)
We live in St Gilles/Ixelles. Can anyone recommend such company or individual.
Thanks in advance.
When an employee is on their trial period (6months) and the employer decides not to keep them, what is the legal notice period that they have to give to the employee?
Anyone know of any shops that sell beer glasses (Chimay/Orval etc etc)? You can get the odd one in carrefour, but that's all I've noticed so far.
If you need an ID card to rent an apartment and get a job, but you can't get an ID card without an apartment, how to get around this problem?
Many thanks,
I have just passed my theory driving exam and need to learn how to drive but the driving schools around are just way too expensive for me.
I'd like to buy a piano. Any suggestions on where to look for one in Brussels?
Also, any recommendations of which one to buy?