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Not a question but information: Just (13.15) tried to go to Stone Manor but found out that they're currently closed due to flooding.
Can anyone recommend an English (Mother Tongue) teacher for my two young kids.
I was wondering if anyone knew of a gym in Leuven that you can use on a pay as you go basis, rather than having to become a member.
As a result of the storm this morning, a large pipe in our boiler room has burst resulting in lots of water gushing out of it.
The heavy rain has caused flooding in my house. The water was clearly flowing from the street, which had turned into a river, towards our house.
1. Any tips on coping with this?
Hello. Anyone know what the rates are out there at the moment for a fixed mortgage rate?
How are the roads in Brussels in general, particularly ring west and Anderlecht, and on the other hand bois de la cambre and ave Roosevelt? Any blocked areas?
I'm looking for a little advice on what constitutes false advertising in Belgium and what my rights are as a consumer. seem especially bad.
Meeting my sister in London in mid October. Any suggestions for a nice hotel in good location? Budget around €350(£310)/night double occupancy.