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On behalf of my fiancee, I wish to obtain a copy of her father's will. She is not well at the moment, so I am doing this for her.
I need to know the proper procedure please.
I'm getting conflicting advice on the legalities of buying my fuel in Lux as a Belgian resident.
Do you have a definitive answer?
I left my flat some months ago and have been in long discussions with the estate agent and expert regarding my guarantee deposit.
Dear All,
I am on a research agreement and working in a company in Belgium.
My payslip shows, I am paying taxes.
I have a vintage Mercedes to sell.
Does anyone know of a website for such cars where I can post an ad?
If anyone is interested personally, please send me your email address.
Good afternoon,
I am looking for someone who knows and enjoys scrapbooking
to put together a photo album and a scrapbook of greeting cards.