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rail strike?


It said in the news that there is a big threat of a rail strike on 14 November. I have family visiting from the US who are visiting London and are supposed to take the Eurostar that day to come here. Eurostar has said that if there is a strike they will cancel the train and rebook, but won't know for sure until the day before (at which point other trains will probably be full, and it will be too late to cancel hotel reservations here so we won't get to see family and will be out a lot of money). I really want to figure out what's going to happen if possible, where is the best place to look in order to find out if the strike will occur? Or do we just have to wait and see and then get inevitably screwed by the transit system for the thousandth time?


I just read online that there is strike coonfirmed starting on 13 Nov at 10 pm till 14 Nov 10 pm.

Nov 6, 2012 21:12