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Registration in Flanders


Hi Everyone,

I am going to live 3 years in Belgium. I rent a home in Zavemtem region, and on advice I went to municipality to register my family.

I don't speak Dutch or French, and I don't intend to learn. When I went to the desk they didn't reply to me as if they don't understand English but I'm sure they do.

The question is "Is it required to know Dutch to register? Or what happens if we don't register at all?"

Thank you in advance.


You have to register even if you are a citizen. In my (Flemish) commune they have a sign in several languages saying that civil workers are NOT allowed to speak in any language except Dutch. Perhaps it is the same in other Flemish communes.Bizarre I know, but find someone who speaks Dutch to go with you, or grab anyone who is in line at the commune to help you.

Feb 12, 2013 13:36