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rental charges backdated - is it legal?


My landlord has just asked me to pay an extra 100 euros a month from 2009 for the central heating charges (shared between several appartment tenants). A lawyer told me this was Belgian law and such charges can be backdated up to 5 years. Is this true? Who can help me on this please?


it could be true but it has to be justified by invoices showing specifically the total consumption of the building and the quote of your consumptions and the advances that you made. Whatever he is asking for the past should be supported by documents, he can also increase the monthly provision for 2012/2013 but at the end of the fiscal year he has to provide a similar detailed breakdown of your advances and exact consumption.
If in doubt look online for Code du Logement, there is a section that covers the charges.

Nov 19, 2012 15:46