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Rental Contract


My situation is this, I went to an immo agency and filled/signed-up the "Offre et Promesse De Location". I gave all the requirements and the 50% monthly rent, as required by the agent. I was hesitant at first, but the agent assured me that she will refund this amount if ever the landlord doesn't chose me or I backed-out and not sign the contract. A few days later, a copy of contract was emailed to me and I found it not suited, so I told her it's difficult for me to meet these requirements and I'm not interested. The problem starts here, the agency manager called me and told that I cannot get the 50% monthly rent I gave since I withdrew,, and forget what her agent told me about refunding it. Sad thing is, I called several times the agent whom I dealt with but she's not answering her mobile phone. I know I made a mistake trusting her but what are my chances of getting my money back? Any advice would be very very much appreciated.


> you have been charged a downpayment for rent
If there's no contract, there's no rent. Daylight robbery.
Thanks for pointing out Greenkey as a pirate agency to be avoided at all costs.

Feb 22, 2014 22:56

J> If there's no contract, there's no rent.

But there WAS a contract, Gaboski, despite having signed a document which included a commitment to enter into that contract if it was offered, failed to conclude it. If that contract was a standard variable term contract it would have included a requirement to give three calendar months notice of determination AND to pay a three month rental penalty for determination in the first year, so the lessor COULD be claiming a compensation payment of at least a further two and half months' rental and quite possibly five and a half, in addition to the half months' worth that has already been forfeited. If it had been a fixed period contract, the sum due could be the rental for the whole of that fixed period.

Unless there remains something of substance in Gaboski's rejection of the contract which we have yet to be advised of, we shouldn't be noting Greenkey as a pirate agency to be avoided at all costs but rather Gaboski as a person who is not prepared to honour commitments he has entered into. Potential lessors and rental agencies beware!

Feb 23, 2014 10:41

Thanks fellow expats.
It's my first time. I signed without any written nor printed "Lu et Approuve" knowing it's the process of application. My ignorance on the rental procedure and worst, the language, decided me to chose via agency for the hope it will be easier. Relied and fully trusted the agent's whole words. Seeing the contract and knowing that it will be difficult to meet the financial requirements plus the services imposed for a very short period of time (less than days), I declined to sign. I've learned my lesson the hard way, but nevertheless, Trusting others should always be in our hearts no matter bad or good the experience is. Thanks again

Feb 24, 2014 12:41
