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Repair of roof


A few tiles loose and at risk of flying off on an elderly neighbour's villa. We wondered if anyone can suggest someone who can do this repair work (glue the tiles back; not change the roofing), and what it might cost? There are probably less than a dozen that are loose, so it's really not a big job.
Thank you very much for any ideas.


Hi S this could indicate a more serious problem, if you do get someone you might need a person whose honest in their assessment of the situation. Why are you sorting this for the neighbour don't they have any family who can help? I realise it's good to help neighbours but be careful that you don't get lumbered with a bill. All the best

Jul 29, 2015 18:14

Thank you for your concern, CC_R. I'm just gathering information at this point and it will be ok. But what more serious problem should we be on the lookout for?
Thanks again.

Jul 30, 2015 01:17

A few years back -- 3 slates replaced for €50 -- roofing company did it on their way home -- Was a temporary fix as a few years down the road -- we need whole lot replaced!!

However finding one who will do a small job is near on impossible -- Basically in our case a neighbour knew someone who knew someone and kept pestering so the roofers popped in so they wouldn't be chased anymore!

Whoever goes up there might find many cracked tiles -- these may look ok from a distance but will be letting water seep through -- Over time this can rot the wooden beams which can result in an exceedingly expensive job!

Jul 30, 2015 19:42

Hmm, that sounds bad. If that's the case, and all the tiles need to be replaced, any idea what it would run? Of course it depends on the size of the roof, but ballpark figure for a villa? We were quoted 3000 to repair those few tiles, not replace the thing, but that's obviously someone trying to con an old lady.

Jul 31, 2015 23:23

€14.6k for taking off all Ardoise slates (tvac) - replacing with tiles - includes an electrician taking off 22 solar panels and replacing after roof sorted out -- Hire of scaffolding front and back -- (roof is 10-15 metres from the ground)

Also included the (not sure of the name) front panel in front of gutter and underneath.

Minimal wood work as caught before that all rotted -- If the beams were shot -- then would be multiple times the figure

78m² roof on a detached very tall house -- I am many many kms from Brussels so that may be reason why a tad less costly

(I'll also add that at the beginning of this year we had water pouring in and son of a neighbour with a better head for heights than me! - who now worked for roofing firm -- went onto roof and glues several tiles in exchange for a drink at the cafe! - I bravely stuck my head out of the roof access hatch - and could see what he was pointing out - practically every slate had fissures. -- the temporary gluing only halted the problem for a few months)

Aug 3, 2015 16:54