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Return of goods


Dear All,

i purchased a shower from Brico, i have the problem that its too big for the bathroom and need to return it. As i dont have my own transport in order to get it reimbursed do you know if they would collect from my address? otherwise i would have to try and sell it.

Thanks for your advices.




I doubt it very much indeed, but hey ho, give them a call.

By 'a shower', do you mean the whole cabinet + tray? If you could be more exact (and you are not alone here) then perhaps there could be better advice. How far from the Brico you bought it from are you? Or was it an internet sale?

So many factors...


Jun 27, 2013 07:36

Because if it was via the internet then this on their website:

'Le consommateur a le droit de signaler au vendeur qu'il renonce à son achat, sans être tenu au paiement d'une amende et sans obligation de motivation de sa décision et ce, dans les 14 jours calendrier suivant la date de livraison du produit ou la clôture du contrat de services.'

Means you've got 14 days from the time of purchase. Google translate if you need to.

In any event, you'll have to call them.


Jun 27, 2013 07:46

If you can drive Brico rents vans and they are quite cheap for the first hour, however you might have to advance a hefty deposit which is going to be reimbursed once you return it.

Otherwise try to look for some 'man with a van' which offer services quite cheaply. there are some Facebook pages (Brussels Expats, Bxl à Louer, etc) where i constantly see offers of such kind

Jun 27, 2013 09:38