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Romanian criminals to serve prison sentences at home

10:45 14/03/2013

Romanians convicted in Belgian courts will be able to return to their home country to serve their sentences, following the introduction of a scheme that will see cooperation between the legal systems of the two countries, the Romania Insider reports. Training for Romanian and Belgian magistrates will begin next week, according to reports in the Belgian media. Next week, 18 Romanian magistrates will go to the Palais de Justice in Mons before the Belgian officials go to Romania. Belgium intends to implement the EU’s mutual recognition of sanctions directives and the initiative will lay the groundwork for adoption into Belgian law. “When I see the proportion of foreigners in our prisons, I think it is too much,” director-general of the Federal Public Service for Justice Annie Devos told Hainaut newspaper La Province, according to which 45% of prisoners in the country are not Belgian. It is hoped that the measure will help tackle overcrowding in Belgium’s prisons. The scheme will also allow Belgians convicted abroad to return home to serve their sentences. Around 295 Romanians were held in Belgian prisons according to 2011 figures, while 131 cases involving Romanians have been opened since January, according to La Province. 

Written by The Bulletin