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I made a Jamie Oliver recipe last night - it said to use good quality sausages - so I brought the best looking ones I could find in Delhaize but I was a bit dissapointed with the meal and am blaming the saugages.

So my question is where does one get good quality sausages in Brussels???



Ha! The problem is that Belgian sausages (in general) are too good quality, they are pretty much all meat and no filler, and it is the filler that gives British sausages their taste and texture. At one time I had a local butcher who, if you asked him for sausages, would attach a skin to his mincer, put some pork through the machine and voila – no herbs, spices or additives of any kind. They did not make for good eating. A trip to Stonemanor is your best bet but might be worth checking in advance when they get their deliveries, the shelves can be pretty bare if you go on the wrong day.

Apr 17, 2013 10:03

Try the boucherie Lanssens on Rue des Tongres. It has excellent quality meat and sausages. It is near Pain Quotidien.

Apr 17, 2013 10:07

You should go for Saucisse de Toulouse, available in most butchers. There's more fat than in the average Belgian sausage.

Apr 17, 2013 10:51

Get yourself down to Jack O'Shea where you'll find a variety of 'British' sausages. It's not far from Schuman.

Apr 17, 2013 13:03
Marky Mark

I've gotten all my meat from the meat counter of the Colruyt for years. I've tried a few places and TBH their meat is really good quality.

I'm a bit of a "masterchef" so do know a little about what I'm on about and my sentiments are backed up by a consumers organisation here that have said their meat is amongst some of the best, so don't just take my word for it! ;) :)

Try their "boerenworst" = farmers sausage. It's got fat and herbs in it, is large and very tasty. They do other types of sausage too.

Apr 17, 2013 13:36

Thanks all! Will give it another go at the w/e - I'm going to stonemanor on Friday anyway so will try and get them there.

Failing that I'll try your suggestion Marky Mark :)

Apr 17, 2013 17:20

I agree, good saucisse de Toulouse would probably work well - it would give a good fusion twist to the recipe at any rate. Failing that, either go with the expat options above or buy in the UK and freeze a good supply. If you don't get to the UK often then I know will pick up things for people from the Goods Shed in Canterbury ( where there is a first class butcher, amongst other things.

Apr 18, 2013 07:25

Nethenbob: what a shameless plug! (No, this is not your ex-wife).

Apr 18, 2013 13:57

Shameless yes, but genuinely offering to help. If you like you can contact me and find out what we do.

Apr 18, 2013 17:37
Marky Mark

Hasn't their been many a program on how bad the british banger actually is?
Hardly any proper meat in their, all offal and leftovers and then there is the percentage of filler and lord knows what else in there!
No, give me the boerenworst from the colruyt any day :) Those ones are proper meat filled and they do a lot of other varieties too :)

May 8, 2013 08:51